Chronic Illness Management

Many pets develop long term illnesses such as heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, arthritis, thyroid disease, diabetes, and others. If your pet has been diagnosed with a long term illness, we are here to help. These diseases can be managed with medications and regular care to slow the progression of the diseases and lead to better quality of life and more comfort for your dog or cat.

A thorough physical exam can detect some physical changes, while regular blood work and radiographs can monitor your pet’s disease progression. When managing chronic illnesses, the sooner changes are detected, the sooner they can be addressed and adjustments can be made to the care plan.

Our veterinarian will carefully follow your pet’s disease progression and make recommendations that can contribute to better disease management and can help your pet live more comfortably. We will create a customized care plan including diet, medicine, and monitoring recommendations to contribute to the best possible care for your pet’s chronic disease. Any time you detect changes, let us know right away so we can examine your pet and make adjustments to the care plan as soon as possible.

If at any time you have concerns about chronic illnesses your pet may have or has already been diagnosed with, schedule an appointment with the veterinarian.