Dog Senior Care

Our dogs are our best friends and it’s tough to see them age. Because dogs age so much faster than humans, regular care is important. Giant and large breed dogs are considered seniors as early as five years of age (compared to seven years for smaller breeds) and therefore, they will need specialized care sooner.

Senior pets have changes in their nutritional requirements and are also more susceptible to age related diseases. Muscle atrophy, dental disease, arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, thyroid disease, and many others occur more often in older dogs than in young dogs. Regular veterinary care can help identify some of these concerns sooner, meaning they can be addressed and managed to improve the quality of life in your senior dog.

Senior dogs need to visit the veterinarian every six months for wellness visits. Changes occur faster in pets than in people, so regular more frequent visits are important. At these visits, we will not only ensure your dog is up to date on recommended vaccinations and preventatives, but we will also run routine blood work.  Senior dogs need blood work run every six months to identify changes in internal organs as soon as they occur or to monitor organ function when treating for chronic conditions. Changes in organ function are detected on bloodwork far sooner than you would see changes or clinical signs at home. Dogs can often hide discomfort and pain. Any change in habits or behaviors need to be addressed as they could indicate an internal change or be a symptom of pain or discomfort.

We at Katy Pet Wellness Solutions understand the unique changes that can occur in senior pets and can discuss nutritional recommendations and how to address changes in bloodwork or behavior as well as how to manage chronic diseases your dog may have. If you do notice any changes at home, be sure to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian today.